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AMP | Accelerated Mobile Pages | Dental BlogAMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, the newest Google answer to the explosion of mobile users. This article serves as an introduction to this new website construct.

You, like every other online user of mobile phones, dislike the frustrating experience of waiting for a website that loads slowly. In fact, you probably won’t ever revisit s website that takes too long to render its web content.

This scenario equally harms the website owner when users click away from your site, resulting in increased bounce rates and decreased chances to show the visitor your great content. An overloaded, slow website is a new problem that needs a simple and elegant solution.

Fortunately, Google, in collaboration with many different partners like Twitter and LinkedIn, has brought an innovative tool to implement and ensure beautifully streamlined, rapid fast content web pages free from all the extra clutter. It is Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) that focuses on creating a smooth, more engaging mobile experience for the end user. It dramatically improves the functionality of mobile sites on the web with instant browsing.

The AMP project is an open-source initiative allowing users, publishers, developers and platforms that stand behind it, to participate, collaborate and benefit from it. It enables you to create websites that are consistently beautiful, high-performing and fast across different devices and distribution platforms. Also, it empowers website owners to present their content with an improved user engagement and a fast, compelling experience on any device they what to use.

AMP pages are created with three core components, viz. AMP HTML for reliable performance, AMP JS for the swift provision of AMP HTML pages, and Google AMP Cache to serve cached AMP HTML pages.

If you would like to use AMP, contact Sharon Kantor Bogetz at Cutting Edge Practice at (847) 370-9131 or send her an email. She has been working with dental websites, internet dental marketing and dental SEO since 2002.  Give her a call!